Starter Pack - The Ikigai Game Playing Cards

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The Ikigai Game Playing Cards - Starter Pack

This is an introductory starter pack kit to The Ikigai Game.

The Ikigai Game is a card game played virtually or in-person with 2 or more people who are navigating a Professional or Personal Pivot in their lives.

Ikigai means 'your reason for being'.

It is often further defined by identifying one's Purpose, Passion, Mission and Reward in Life.

As we navigate today's ever changing landscape of career, jobs and lilfestyles, many of us are seeking deeper meaning in our lives and ways to express that. Perhaps you harbor a childhood dream that you'd still like to achieve? Maybe there's a career that you always wanted to have but for some reason, you never 'went for it'.

The Ikigai Game helps you break free from these personal constraints and really go after what makes you HAPPY in life. At the sweet spot of Purpose, Mission and Passion is Reward. This is where you find your Ikigai.

Download your Starter Pack of The Ikigai Playing Cards today. And join our Facebook Group HERE to sync up with others who are on the Ikigai Journey, too.

The Ikigai Game FB Group

And, if you'd like to dive deeper, check out the Love Your Life...More audio book and workbook. It walks you through fun Ikigai Activities in 15 to 20 minute modules.

FB Page The Ikigai Game

*This is a fully digital product.

The Ikigai Game Mini APP is in development still. We will announce a release date soon!

STAY TUNED for The Ikigai GAME Digital Game App!

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Starter Pack of The Ikigai Game Playing Cards

Digital Playing Cards
15.8 MB
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Starter Pack - The Ikigai Game Playing Cards

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